Topic: "Changes" (page 1 of 1)

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unknown user
A challenge is submitted people start to work on it and then soon after... "Ohhh sorry, it wasnt quite right" and the thing is changed. No regard for the time or effort that people have put in so far. Seems to me its happening quite a lot here. Often the people responsible simply submit an updated challenge and dont even bother to post that people should not waste thier time on the old one! instead they leave that burden to Erik and theblacksheep.
Granted mistakes happen, errors occur, but it seems that it is acceptable that the testing of the challenges is done by the guests at TBS. To my mind this is not right! Often I spend more time testing my work than I do writing it, its a pain in the arse, and there is no way you can catch every little bug but at least I do try.
I am about to submit my final crackme and I have put hours into testing on the various OS's, fixing, testing, fixing, testing. If I release it and someone finds an error then I appologise but it was beyond my control.
However if I release it and someone finds a hole which makes it easier than it should be then that is my fault. Such a thing happened with A lesson in BF #1, (congrats Hive my respect to you for finding it) I was dissappointed that it was not being solved the way I intended it to, but thats my problem. I would not re-write the thing and reset the stats undermining all the effort invested in it by those who take the time to even look at my work.
Indeed, my respect goes out to those who were cleverer than I in finding the backdoor I never noticed. To change it simply because I was disatisfied would be wrong of me! I should just learn from my mistakes and try not to make them again.

I have noticed that some people dont even attempt a challenge until it has been completed by at least one other person first. What kind of standards are these? how long before we get to the point where everyone sits waiting to see if a challenge is flawed before they waste thier time.
Most of this can be avoided quite simply, get a friend to test your work first, even better get two, if you dont have any friends, get a life.

It's just my two pennies worth but time is valuable and I cannot stand the goal posts being moved halfway through the game.
To end, NO this is not a personal attack after relee's annoyed post, and please dont see it that way, if it were a single incedent then I probably wouldnt post but this is the third time this has happened to me personally. Hours wasted.

you have a point but sometimes mistakes just happen. but here some "rules" that would make everything a little bit easier:

1. Please check if your challenge works like you intended it too!!! Fix all mistakes!!!
2. When your challenge is online please solve it!!! So that we can see it works! Erik and I we can also make mistakes when we upload it.(some challenges are complex).
3. At the weekend I will probably write a news script for the challenges. So that if someone finds a mistake and a challenge gets update you can find it out faster.

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unknown user
talking of which :-)
The link to the page to download my latest is inccorect as you have spelt my name wrong.
Once through the password does not work either.

Topic: "Changes" (page 1 of 1)