Topic: "Bright-Shadows: Logo?" (page 1 of 10)

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In fact we don't have a real logo/emblem for our site, despite of the sheep in the upper left corner - which isn't black at all :idiot:. As I'm quite poor in designing graphics :-( I had the idea to invite you to do the work for me ;). I suppose a lot of you are creative and can produce nice images.
So if anyone of you has a nice idea for a logo, icon, banner (imagine we don't even have a banner :o) or whatsoever feel free to post it in this topic. And if you feel to realize an idea in form of a raster or vector image we would be very happy :thumbsup:.

Cu, Erik
private message EMail Website
It looks like you were the Little Prince, no ?
"Draw me a sheep" (Dessine moi un mouton) used to ask Antoine de Saint-Exupery's hero :)

Just to have an idea, a pleasant one can be found for instance at :
A black one at :

Well, now wait for our best designers to create something original and funny...
Edited by CommComm on 14.04.2006 22:34:49
private message
Little question....
Isn't theblacksheep the name of... theblacksheep, and not the name of the site?

Shouldn't we go with a banner of something which says Bright-Shadows?
Just a little thought...

Greetz BaRa
private message
Ok, don't shoot me on the spot.. I've just put this together in 8.5 minutes.
How about something like that?
I mean the basic idea of glow/shadow... not the actual font or dimensions of this test image...

Here's that style applied to your current header and I also reused the metallic-theme you got currently on the top.
The height should be right, so it's easy to cut and apply!

Header: (This isn't a banner!!!! There's no sense in making one if this theme doesn't come through!)

I don't know which colors of your current theme you want to preserve... but if you go for a dark (black) header then
the orange (#ffaa00) text in the menu wouldn't quite work anymore. You should go with a kind of blue (#abcbdb) like in
the halo around the word "Bright". This blue (#abcbdb) still works with the current gray theme in my eyes. Also the
general background (that yellow-grayish #d0d0c0) has to be darkened a bit. So all together not alot has to be changed.

These changes should result in something like this:

Any thoughts? Let me know!

Greetz BaRa
Edited by BaRa on 15.04.2006 04:23:21
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just a rough I threw together in a few minuts. If someone likes it ill make a similiar one with the same. Kind of like what Bara was saying, im going more for the idea of the faded bright and the "bright" shadow, the colors of course can change easily
Edited by Blacklotis on 15.04.2006 04:07:33
private message EMail
An idea for the logo is the graduation cap...

Something like this:

Please do keep in mind I found that picture of a cap with google pictures. So it might be copyrighted, I dunno.

Greetz BaRa
private message
QuoteQuote from BaRa:
Little question....
Isn't theblacksheep the name of... theblacksheep, and not the name of the site?
That's actually something we have to make clear. At the beginning of this site it's domain was theblacksheep. We later changed to bright-shadows.
So should the (black) sheep be part of the site itself or is it just the username?
private message EMail Website
Ok so the site's name is: Bright Shadows
Co-founder/Co-owner's name: theblacksheep

Now the question is what has to be updated/changed to eliminate the sheep from the shadow
by this I mean what has to be changed to wipe away the confusion about the site's name!

* root in forum is still called TheBlacksheep

Other things like the irc channel (#tbs) aren't really a big issue, because they aren't that 'visual'.

Greetz BaRa

Edited by BaRa on 15.04.2006 06:50:31
private message
I made a picture just for the hell of it to generate ideas ...
Here it is, and im actually makeing a logo by the way :P

Edited by HynFaerie on 16.04.2006 21:28:24
private message
My Logo is finally done, check it out, i can modify it the way you want it theblacksheep, but this is what i came up with...
Of cours my name might not be on there, or might be bright-shadows that will be written like that in negative, but it's up to you admins,
il modify it the way you want if you pick that one

Edited by HynFaerie on 17.04.2006 04:02:21
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Topic: "Bright-Shadows: Logo?" (page 1 of 10)

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