Topic: "ISP Email issues..." (page 1 of 1)

Author Post
Hello everyone...

Something happened to my mum recently that I've not heard of before. I was wondering if anyone had a clue to it's cause.

She called me wondering why when she checked her email for the first time in over a week there was nothing at all there except for one empty email (0 bytes, no subject, no sender info). There should have been at least 20. I figured it might have just meant the server went down and they were in the process of recovery or something, but as it turns out the 'tech support' answer was utter crap. Here is part of the email my mum sent me after she called them:

"Well Dodo [isp] deny all knowledge, reckon its a "spam?" and told me to go to and collect mail there and that server would delete it and
clear it blocking my mail (because I couldnt) and it worked!! got 75 messages
in one hit....I can also get them from Dodo's site now too, so I dont know,
but it worked."

and this bit is a corker:

"they also said it could have been a "industry generated spam"to make me by anti spy/spam

Anyway, after that long preamble, does anyone have an idea about what the hell could stop one accessing email on their own account, and having to go to a totally different site to read it, thus bringing there email account back to normal??

private message EMail

Topic: "ISP Email issues..." (page 1 of 1)