Topic: "" (page 1 of 1)

Author Post
unknown user
because noother was being an ass, i removed the information that was in the other thread. here is what you need to know.

I deleted the count the number thread. Well actually i think alternative did.

i used the csrf

it's easy to guess that admins delete threads by going to this url:*

I did in fact pm 2 of the 3 amins and 1 moderator, to report this, and now they have disabled places where you can put images, over the entire website. like signature (which i used), and avatars, and aparantly images all together.

@people who miss count the number: Haha.
You are ridiculous.
private message EMail Website
unknown user
yeah, but i get things done, all you have is a big mouth. Btw I'm sure you meant to write ridiculously amazing, but your young I forgive your mistake.

PS: I didn't ask you to reply to this topic, did I?
you should have used this linkthread.
unknown user
btw csrf can get really funny when you exploit csrf vulnerabilities in common routers.

there are quite a few routers that have these types of vulnerabilities, putting some images up like
<img src="[some vulnerablity here]" />
<img src="[some vulnerablity here]" />
<img src="[some vulnerablity here]" />
<img src="[some vulnerablity here]" />

perhaps using the default password's which are set by the factory.. typically in order to lower security, and make the router accessible from outside the lan.

Topic: "" (page 1 of 1)