Topic: "anybody" (page 1 of 1)

Author Post
how I know the answer are right o bad?? i sent the MP's in the logic challenges and i not received answer
please any can see this??

any admin??



sorry for language i not speak english
Edited by chespy1986 on 19.09.2008 04:30:07
private message EMail
I'm no admin, but be assured that the admins will check your answer(s).
It can take a while (they collect them first, and than handle them all at once).
Just have a little patience... :-)
private message
The admins have a lot of responsibilities with this site so they might not always be able to check it right away. But, they try there hardest i guarantee you. This is your chance to work on another challenge while your waiting on the admin to check his pm's. Also, I'm sure out of 8868 users your not the only one needing things checked. I myself need things checked too. I assure you they will do their best!! Good Luck with your challenge solving! :)

private message EMail
through the same thing better would be a system where the php code is revised if this good or not so the admins are removed a great weight off

and I'm trying other challenges besides those already send the answer purposely to users that they must send the answers are inactive for a long time is a matter of seeing that theblacksheep your last visit was 22/03/2008 bone is much more difficult for someone who has to send the response to the pass those challenges

but good solution to expect that there are more ahead

private message EMail

Topic: "anybody" (page 1 of 1)