Topic: "fonts, etc" (page 1 of 1)

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unknown user
Just a quick one...... this changing of fonts when you hover over something sometimes makes the page format change, boxes resize, etc as you hover over things. I was trying to click on a link yesterday (forget which one) and the box changed size when i hovered over it which meant that the link moved along and when I tried to hover back over the link it changed back to normal again....... result being that it took a while of chasing the link around to get it. Do you have to change the font format for the hover, why not just colour ?
Hello :-)

could you please be so kind to find this link? Because I can't remember having seen such a one. Of course I will change it, but I have to now where to search :-)

bye, Erik :-)
private message EMail Website
unknown user
ok, it was special 5, the last part of it, where it says 'download this file'. i hover over file and it shoots off to the right and changes the line length....... i am in IE in 800*600 if that helps.
Ah, I see. That are the white links, right? When you hover over them they get bold making them a little bit wider. Colour would be an idea... Maybe I'll find a nice one :D
private message EMail Website

Topic: "fonts, etc" (page 1 of 1)