Topic: "Diablo III" (page 2 of 3)

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80 Ret/Prot/Holy Pali
80 Holy Priest
71 Rogue (pvp)
71 Mage (frost)
70 Hunter (BM)
70 Mage (Fire) - Diff server :P

i need a life.....after i get all to 80 :).
well im off back to heroic nax.

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"Once you go pally, you never turn back" ;P.
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lol so play eu or usa server, which realm :P ?
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Got a lvl 79 Pally on Shattered Hand eu and a lvl 70 Pally on Dragonblight eu.
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USA Server - Andorhal, most chars are allys but i have a horde :).
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Blizzard was not that creative with creating WotLK. Very boring -_- Tier7 looks like Tier 3 (other colours) , Naxxramas is the same like before just somewhere else and the attacks from the fights outta the instances are also the same as other bosses before :-( Naxxramas+ Naxxramas heroic are too easy. Heaviest boss-fight was in Tempest Keep against Kael'Thas in Tier5 gear and the twins in Sunwell was hard while being full Tier6. I quit the raidprogress on my realm cuz patch 2.3 in March was destroying the fun .. everyone was getting access to BlackTemple and MountHyjal ..Definitly sucks :P Looks like I also leave and start Diablo III.
For the Horde.
Edited by CyBeR on 17.12.2008 12:22:51
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never been to BT or sunwell yet...i blame the time difference on server after all who wants to raid at 2pm afternoon or 5am morning lol anyways heroic nax is pretty easy hardest fight imo is patchwerk. Kael'thas in TK was a fun fight to learn as well as Vasjh in SSC. Still no hand of adal achievement tho, ya know if that npc is still there just after fathom lord so i can finish the BT attunment ? i may run back and get it :p

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Surprised so many people play WoW and idle here :)

sniper, he is there, to get the title you need to have not abandoned the Vials of Eternity.

Oh, I play a 80 prot pally as my main, inventively named if you wish to look it up ;p
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i done the vials quest and wondered why i didn't get the title, then i heard about BT attunment and decided to retrace my steps....eventually i came to the conclusion that the chain stops and is continued by that NPC, so hopefully ill pug a group or something at the weekend. thanks for confirming :)

Edit: Arch in Hyjal sucks too :p
Edited by sniperkid on 18.12.2008 17:12:10
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Yep you need to be both BT attuned and MH attuned, using the pre3.0.2 versions of the quest. Alas, unless you can find someone to share the older version of the quest with you (this does work), completing the new quest will not only not get you the title but prevent you from doing the old version and thus prevent you from ever getting it.

Of course, Champion of the Frozen Wastes is the new version really, should try and aim for that. Or The Undying/Immortal, which are more achievable than you would first expect.

Edit: BTW i assume you are playing on US realms from the UK judging by your raid times, that must be pretty annoying =/
Edited by Degenerate on 19.12.2008 16:36:58
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Topic: "Diablo III" (page 2 of 3)

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