Topic: "So the Germans did something stupid." (page 3 of 4)

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I think its very interesting ...
1) They don't allow "hacker-tools" whicht help administrators to secure their network
2) They want to allow the police "online searching" (I dont know if this is the right word) of computers with trojans

News for non-germans (I don't know how much you hear about that):
* merkel wants this online searching (no place to hide for terrorists, the police has to be modern, ...)
* Federal Minister of the Interior (Schäuble) wants it
* some others dont want it^^
* schäuble wants to install these trojans with faked official emails (I realy don't understand why faked ... they come from the police, so they aren't faked I think...)
* SPD-chief whip Peter Struck is against the "federal-trojan"("The success of the manhunt-agency shows that such terroristic activities can be prevented in an early stage even without the instuments for massiv online searching which are requested by schäuble.")

Do you have in your country something like that? (I've heard some rumours that the NSA developed with mircosoft vista .... and of course they made their backdoors^^)
I'll inform you if we get some news
Edited by moose on 06.09.2007 10:57:58
private message EMail Website
unknown user
well, rhican, I think it wouldn't be that extreme.
But I agree with you: this is another law which makes absolut no sence.
Terrorist don't have to be stupid. I even think they will easily learn how to avoid getting the "federal-trojan".
If they realy want to disseminate the trojan only with emails a lot of people who know only few about viruses woun't be 'infected'. So only people who are innocent will get this virus => lapse of the sence of this virus

I have to say I am not really interested in politics. I'm watching news in the afternoon but I never searched for more information than I got there. But now I have a rss-news feeder (yeah, I really like it^^) so I got more information about politics in the last two weeks than I get all my live before.

This minister, Schäuble, does strange things. Here a few information about schäuble:
* He wants to punish people who went to a terrorist-camp
* because of the last rampagne we changed our firearms law: before you could get guns if you were over 18, now you have to be over 21. he wanted to set this back to 18
* he says people who are concerted to islam have something minatory
* he wants to change part 13 of the constitution, which is about the inviolableness of homes (I don't know a good translation. It means the country can not search your house when thew want), to allow the trojan (after the Federal Court of Justice said the trojan has actually no legal foundation)
* he wanted on the occassion of 33rd G8 summit to revive border controls (but only for this time)
* he wanted to allow the launching of a passenger plane
* he wanted to allow detention centres (7.07.2007)

48 % want online searchings because of fear of terrorists
47 % don't want online searchings
72 % think that todays islam-terrorism is more dangerous than RAF-terror 30 years ago
Edited by moose on 10.09.2007 09:10:37
private message EMail Website
QuoteQuote from moose:
This minister, Schäuble, does strange things. Here a few information about schäuble:
* he wanted to allow the launching of a passenger plane

Is this a strange thing?
private message
I think it was bad english: he wants to allow the military to shoot them if there are terrorists
private message EMail Website
unknown user
More news, now not only germans are doing something stupid:
EU-commissar Franco Frattini, who is responsable for security wants to block acces to sites with bomb construction manuals in the context of the new anti-terror plans of the EU.
Don't you limit freedom of opinion and freedom of information with these plans mr. frattini?
frattini: bomb construction manuals don't have anything to do with these things. security has priority. opinions, analyses or historical information should not be blocked

I think some parts are very simmilar to the german ideas:
fear of terrorism-> more security -> limit of personal rights -> persons speak who don't know what they're talking about

should I start a rss-feeder to limit traffic of this forum? who of you uses a rss-feeder?
private message EMail Website
unknown user
unknown user

Topic: "So the Germans did something stupid." (page 3 of 4)

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