Topic: "Poll gives me php script." (page 1 of 1)

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Well title says it basicly, i found a site with some random google'ing (not looking for it tho) and there was a poll wich, when voted, gave me the entire php script.
This resulted in me having the msql password / username etc, but i was wondering how to utilize this?

I have no need to go and wreck his site, i'd just like to peek around before telling him. Is there like a GUI based way to access his database or will i need to make a php/java script that just logs in to it and extracts the data ?

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for educational purpouses:

it depends, a mysql server, is just like a webserver, a process that runs on a computer somewhere, and can be reached by pointing a client application to an IP + port

however this IP can be on the local network, or behind a firewall .. so you need to learn where the RDBMS is located, usually the same box, and wether or not it accepts external connections.

the default port for mysql is 3306

gui's to connect to mysql servers .. phpmyadmin.
but the most practical way is imho with commandline tools mysql/mysqldump ...

Topic: "Poll gives me php script." (page 1 of 1)