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Z |
Hi Today I made an interesting statistical analysis. It was made about the TOP100 users, and the statistic is about the challenges solved / (last_visit - registration_day). In practice: how many challenges do you solve per day in average. People who solved fewer challenges have some advanteges, because they had to deal with easier challenges than people who solved more challenges. Here is the list (hey, I'm the ): zincrate 20.080 arpad 1.419 SatUrN .896 Z .668 badmojo .654 yachoor .472 maeva1987 .468 bender0 .416 ccooooll .393 stripy .364 Siedurpe .320 Kender .315 moyo .309 Dennis29 .285 klarnas .274 yai2k3 .271 slowhand .263 R777 .253 ch0wch0w .251 AntonYmer .241 ekt638 .240 fourmi .237 smutley .229 quangntenemy .223 reuter .216 Cerades .214 HAAG .214 fbracal .209 Fernando .207 MrKaLiMaN .204 chrisi .204 Darkego .204 alt3rn4tiv3 .203 Towley .200 H4rlock .199 chameleon .198 r0d .196 Gome .193 lion .184 magdeburg .179 Chaosdreamer .176 Merc .175 AxelFox .175 logos .172 CyBeR .171 BuddyChrist .170 EsKiMo .170 Hypnos .169 iloveallison .168 Doula .166 JuicyFruit .165 nonameleft .163 Savlanik .161 velo .161 punkman .160 paipai .160 paralax .154 lowman .151 davs .150 SneakyWeasel .147 pjsk8 .140 Sapr0 .138 NaImA .137 occio .134 javey .130 MiB .129 steven18 .129 Alahel .128 zoubida .127 zbod .126 Tintinliege .125 kokichi3000 .124 zerocoldn .123 Lukian .122 Trav .121 morst .120 Sirena .119 chimbo .119 doOdzZZ .112 BlackCat64 .109 OrpHEuS .105 moonspell .102 bmb .101 cg .101 sniperkid .100 rbk0z .100 jjkobra .098 faridar .096 DaKa .095 KeKoEOL .091 Scortile .091 Friberg .090 cabrero64 .090 maki .090 Corso .089 wzZx .089 Cagliostro .087 togi .083 chapulino .079 SealX .076 |
22.02.2008 12:42:09 |