Topic: "Challenges that are down right now" (page 2 of 2)

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Author Post
Programming chall "Just another calculation" aka calculate2 ( ) Seems to be down too.

The tryout link throws an HTTP 500.
private message Website
Might I suggest that challenges which are currently down as indicated by Kad are marked as such similarly to 10: [Down]The strange link.. Some CSS edit would be nice too with a red hyperlink.
I know that you/we are planning on fixing the site, but the first port of call should surely be to let users know which challenges they should not be wasting their time on. (Not everyone visits this part of the forum)

Nice to have you back :)
private message Website
linkcrackit3 can't download the crackit, forbidden error
linkexploit9 doesn't seem to work for me, I don't get any feedback at all from using the register/login functions which the given sourcecode suggests otherwise.
linkexploit17 I get "Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_register()" when entering the solution
Edited by destiny on 05.06.2017 13:38:11
private message

Topic: "Challenges that are down right now" (page 2 of 2)

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