Topic: "Registry Programming" (page 1 of 1)

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Hey, a friend and I were wondering how you could change a certain key value in the registry without invoking a prompt. We are able to do it with dos, but at our school you can't access dos, so we want to be able to write a C program the will do it behind the scenes. All we are doing is changing a value in messenger so we can user 'net send' to talk during computer classes. Does anyone have any tips or help?
private message EMail Website
Depending on the security settings, you should be able to create a file in notepad and then save it as a .REG, right click on it and select merge to bring it into the registry.

Example .REG files can be found all over the net so you know the format

Edited by bb on 29.08.2004 10:38:58
private message Website
Right, we spent like 2.5 hours last night learning about how to change the registry. A .reg file was the first way, but we are more interesed in writing a program to do it. Its not much of a program, but it will be undetectable on the school computers. Most of the basic files like .bat, .reg are usually detected because they are set up to modify the computer.
private message EMail Website
unknown user
Dunno if this is going to work but why not change the registry files it self.
Dont know where they are saved, but should be the easy to find out.
You did not say so but i think .exe files will also be recognised, or?
Maybe you could just write a little prog that makes connections to a ip and transfers text (like icq) and use that to talk in class. If thats all you want?
maybe you could use vbscript to change the registry. Try to search in google about it :)
private message
unknown user
in c# is very very easy to change the registry.

Topic: "Registry Programming" (page 1 of 1)