Topic: "Just a n00b question" (page 1 of 1)

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Ok,i know i'm long time on this site,but something that concerns me is about solution passes.
for Crypto and Stegano section is password allways foudable,i mean when i solve particular chall do i see password or i have to
patch the things together.i mean do i have to for example in hex editor to pick blindly few letters and i got pass.
Or is it after i solve it's viewable like: Pass is blabla... or just blabla.
cos i havefew things 75% solved but not to the end cos of this question.
PS:is it same as Crypto's with which for now i didn't had this problems.
I hope i didn't started in anybody laughing,cos i may look noob.but i'm learning..

First 100 challs are hard,after that all is easy..

Grivier :S
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Well usually you'll get a sentence telling you what to do but sometimes you'll get just the password. Just be alerted and try every readable things you've found :)
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I think you will always get a readable answer or you should know what the answer is from doing the challenge. The problem is that some challenges can be made up of several sections/parts and only after solving each bit will you be able to proceed. If you have completed a section to a challenge, but what you have is not the solution, think how it could link into the challenge or what can be done with it to get to the next step, so that you can get to the final solution.

Also, if you are stuck on a certain part but you have something then probably someone else has been stuck there before. Check out the forums - with the information you have you may spot something in the forum that you missed before. There are generally many subtle hints to a lot of challenges in there :thumbsup:

Finally, just keep trying and trying. As you know I have spent many hours on some challenges and found nothing useful. But keep trying and you will get there, as I am sure I will too (one day) ROFL
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ty you guys for clearing there subtle things for me...
now of to solving more challs and to be someday in 1-st rank page...

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Topic: "Just a n00b question" (page 1 of 1)