Topic: "browser redirection" (page 1 of 1)

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i was just wondering whether it is possible to create a php script that redirects a browser from within an image tag. like a web bug that changes the document location.
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image tag and webbug are two different things:
image tag: <img src="blah.jpg" alt="Text" >, see linkSelfHTML
you cold ad an onmouseover attribute like <img src="blah.jpg" alt="Text" onmouseover="javascript:document.location=new.htm" > or something like this
private message EMail Website
i know an image tag is different from a web-bug. thing is that a web bug would be used in an image tag. now i was wondering whether it would be possible to make an image - ie. the image itself - redirect a page by using headers or something. the reason i'm asking is because the site has really strict filters imposed, this eliminating things like eval(x), and even the javascript:x tag within elements. therefore, i was thinking along the lines of csrf, but that only works partially towards my goal. any help would be much appreciated.
Edited by aceldama on 20.11.2007 16:03:08
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aceldama probably means, use a php file (which contains the headers) as your TBS-Avatar.
The headers would only affect the image, not the page in which it is displayed in. So this does not work (directly afaik). Dunno how quangntenemy did his php-logout-avatar.

theAnswer ;)
Edited by theAnswer on 20.11.2007 16:16:00
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well, if you create your image with php you send headers ... I don't know if you can first send the image headers and then the location header ... try it out
private message EMail Website
unknown user
@theAnswer it's plain old CSRF

just make it point to
if you can't link it directly you can link to an url *.jpeg and in that request add a LOCATION: header

websites shouldn't allow any action with just get requests, other than GET stuff

thank you for that. guess i'll have do do a bit more obfuscation...
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Topic: "browser redirection" (page 1 of 1)